Engagement & Events

Arts, Data, Health 2021

Communicating Emotions Through Creative Data
Voices of Healthcare Practitioners during Covid-19
Wed 14 April 2021, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM GMT

Art of Record Production 2019

Had the pleasure of presenting my Ph.D research alongside Rob Toulson at the Art of Record Production Conference hosted at Berklee College of Music, Boston, Massachusetts.

YMP Soundscape Presentation at StoryLab Symposium

Presenting the initial version of the 'Soundscapes of the York Mystery Plays' interface at the StoryLab Symposium.

Being Human Festival 2016 Sound Installation

From the 18 Nov - 21 Nov we hosted drop-in sound installation for the Being Human Festival that allowed guest to hear aural memories from members who participated in the York Mystery Plays as well as acoustic recreations.  

The installation took place in the 13th century meeting space, Bedern Hall, in York, United Kingdom

My Smarter Essex

I joined Anglia Ruskin University's Research and Innovation Development Office working with the Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society (CSES) to host "My Smarter Essex," an event aimed at engaging school children on the smarter design of a Future Essex.

The event consisted of talks focused around establishing smarter cities, lifestyles, mobility, and security, and additionally allowed kids to interact with exhibitions and demonstrations revolving around smart and interconnected devices. Some of the demonstrations included:

  • Health games and apps
  • Smart football: real time tracking and analytics
  • Pokémon Go! Challenge
  • Medical devices and gadgets
  • Home internet of things (IoT) demonstration: smart phone control of devices
  • Safe and eco driving simulator
  • Audio bone conductor: hear things through your skin!
  • HTC Vive virtual reality headset
  • HERO autonomous car

Cambridge Festival of Ideas/Science Festival - Safe and Sound Drive

I assisted Arne Nykanen and CoDE Research at both the Cambridge Festival of Ideas and the Cambridge Science Festival showing of his Safe and Sound Drive project: A driving simulator that rewards efficient driving with a pleasant auditory experience.

The creative aspect of the simulation is that the audio the driver listens to is affected by their speed.  If you drive too slow, you lose high frequency sounds of the audio and it sounds muddy, too fast and you loose the low frequency sounds.  

When driving within a preset speed range the audio sounds natural and you can hear the full frequencies of the music. Arne was able to apply the sound filters to pre-recorded music, talk radio, live radio, and music from portable listening devices.

Dr. Marques J. Hardin
Creative Technologist
